onsdag 16 mars 2011


The sun is shining, I can wear canvas shoes and I ate my breakfast on the balcony, nothing more lovely!
Im searching for photos for many different things that I have to do. One is for a exhibition we are about to have i Stockholm with the class. And Im searching photos for many more interesting things. 
I found these in a map on a school-computer from a previous assignment and tried to do something else with them in Photoshop. All the other pictures from the shoot went to France with my external hard-drive that went on service there. But everything was deleted from the drive when it came back. (Not that its working)
But as I was moaning about this, I found out that my friend have them on her hard-drive as she was kind enough to loan her camera for the shoot. Yay! Thank you :)

With overly great and lovely spring hugs,

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